• Question: Why this field of research?

    Asked by anon-180743 to Viren, Sam, Noel, Abby on 12 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Noel Brick

      Noel Brick answered on 12 Jun 2018:

      Hi Chloe,
      Another great question! Because psychology; how the brain works, and why we do what we do, is amazing. I love research because it often begins with a very simple question, and when you search for the answer, you find out that nobody has tried to answer that question in an experiment before. So, when you do the study, and find a really interesting answer, it is REALLY cool!! That’s why I love it! It’s hard work, but it is worth it

    • Photo: Sam Burton

      Sam Burton answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      I was interested in understanding why people behave in certain ways, and how the brain works to start off. I went into alcohol addiction research after attending lectures on it, and just finding it really interesting and doing more reading on it outside of lectures (tragic nerd moment, I know). Research for me is about trying to figure out how things work, so I love the constantly getting to ask new questions. Even when we don’t find any results or explanations, I still love that, I’m stubborn so have a habit of persisting till I can try and figure something out. It’s always a challenge but it’s fun 🙂

    • Photo: Abby Hunter

      Abby Hunter answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      Hi Chloe, I’ve always had an interest in psychology since I studied it at A-Level because my teacher was so engaging and inspiring.
      I am really interested in addictions now, both physical (smoking, alcohol) as well as behavioural (gambling, internet addiction, gaming addiction, exercise). They say that a lot of researchers end up researching something that’s personal to them. I grew up with an alcohol father who smokes too much and takes drugs. I have known friends who have become addicted to gambling. It is fascinating why some people become addicted while others can engage in these activities in moderation.
      Through my research with problem gamblers I have heard some very interesting and sad accounts from people. Some people have lost their jobs, marriage, kids because of gambling. Some people ended up in crime because of their problems. Some people had serious mental health problems and had tried suicide. Addictions can have devastating impacts on the person as well as their wider family and friends. I just want to be able to find out more in order to try and help people.
