• Question: why is science good?

    Asked by anon-180441 to Abby, Amy, Noel, Sam, Viren on 13 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Sam Burton

      Sam Burton answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      For me it’s getting to find out new things, you’re constantly learning when working in science. A problem will come up and you’ve got to find a solution or figure out how something is working. I think especially working in psychology you can end up seeing the benefits of your work in real life, as the field concerns actual real people, this can be very rewarding!

    • Photo: Noel Brick

      Noel Brick answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      I’m here 🙂 Today was a busy day with research work – but you can ask a question any time!

      One of my favorite things about science is that we are constantly learning new things. And there is so much we still don’t have the answers to! I’m my area of research – the psychology of endurance performance, we are only starting to understand the importance of the brain. We are only beginning to understand the role of exercise in mental health! In fact, right now there are more questions than answers in each of these areas.
      Beyond psychology, we know and understand so little about the universe. The best questions are yet to be answered. Actually, the best questions are yet to be asked! So if you love science, then go explore! Ask every and any question that comes to your mind – never be afraid to ask! And question everything, even if it seems obvious! This is how great discoveries are made.

    • Photo: Amy Warnock

      Amy Warnock answered on 14 Jun 2018:

      I think science is good because there is always so much to learn and every answer always leads to more questions! I also really like the fact that science is such an incredibly diverse subject. For me personally I like neuroscience because I like learning about how the brain works and how we can develop treatments to help people, but even a subject like neuroscience or psychology is so broad that there are so many different things to learn!

    • Photo: Abby Hunter

      Abby Hunter answered on 18 Jun 2018:

      Science helps us find out new things. It enables us to answer questions. New medicines and vaccines can be developed and tested. Lives can be prolonged or saved with the advancement in medicine due to science. Some diseases can now be cured.

      There will always be things to learn, things to explore and questions to answer, so there will always be a need for science
