• Question: how was it moving away from your parents at uni?

    Asked by anon-180451 to Abby, Amy, Noel, Sam, Viren on 13 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Sam Burton

      Sam Burton answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      I stayed at home, but I’ve heard from people that did move away both good and bad experiences. One of the others is probably better placed to answer this over me.

    • Photo: Abby Hunter

      Abby Hunter answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      I moved away. I went to Sheffield to study (moved from Nottingham). It was only about an hour away so I liked the fact that I could easily go home if I needed to. In the first term I did go home a bit at weekends to see family and friends.

      On some occasions I felt homesick but generally I really enjoyed living away, being independent and meeting lots of people. You’ll find lots of people you meet will feel the same as you. No one knows anyone else and everyone just wants to make friends

    • Photo: Noel Brick

      Noel Brick answered on 13 Jun 2018:

      It was difficult at first. My university was about 2 hours from home. I went home every weekend in 1st year and that was nice.
      But I soon got to know a lot of people at University. In fact, most of my very best friends now are people I met at University. It really helps to join clubs and societies. Go along to meetings they have, and if it is something that really interests you (e.g. the psychology society), then you will meet a lot of people with very similar interests to you, and that is a great way to make new friends

    • Photo: Amy Warnock

      Amy Warnock answered on 14 Jun 2018:

      I moved to Edinburgh from Oxford so it was a good 6 hour train journey away from home! It was a bit difficult at first but the good thing about uni is that everyone is in the same situation so there’s always someone who will understand how you are feeling. Even if you do struggle with feeling homesick for a while just remember that it is completely natural and it will all get better with time! I agree with Noel that joining clubs and societies is a really great way to meet people, I was part of the student radio society which was great fun and meant that I made some amazing friends!
