• Question: abby why is smoking so bad?

    Asked by anon-180481 to Abby, Amy, Noel, Sam, Viren on 14 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Abby Hunter

      Abby Hunter answered on 14 Jun 2018:

      Smoking is the biggest cause of preventable illness and deaths. That means the illness could be prevented if the person did not smoke. 1 in 2 smokers will die from a smoking related illness.

      Smoking is the biggest cause of cancer. Over 80% of cases of lung cancer is caused by smoking. But smoking also increases your chances of many other cancers. Smoking also increases your chance of depression, anxiety and other mental illness such as schizophrenia and psychosis.

      Smoking can affect your teeth and your skin. It can cause problems with fertility by causing damage to the sperm, and women smokers are more likely to take longer to conceive. If a pregnant lady smokes then it can cause damage to the feotus and increase the chance of losing the baby, stillbirth, low birth weight and heart conditions. In fact any illness or disease is likely to be made worse by smoking.

      Second hand smoke (when people breathe in the smoke when people around them are smoking) can also affect your health and increase your chances of smoking related illness. So really I don’t think there is anything good about smoking.

      However it is an extremely addictive substance and people can become hooked after only a few times smoking
