• Question: Do you believe in telepathy

    Asked by anon-180008 to Abby, Amy, Noel, Sam, Viren on 15 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Sam Burton

      Sam Burton answered on 15 Jun 2018:

      I don’t, as much as I do wish it was true as it would be so cool! I suppose it’s slightly similar to people who say they’re psychic or can talk to the dead. What do you think?

    • Photo: Abby Hunter

      Abby Hunter answered on 15 Jun 2018:

      you know i’m not sure about this. I think there might be something worth exploring in identical twins. I have identical twin friends and when one of them went into labour (early), the other twin, even though she wasn’t in the same city, immediately knew and started feeling labour pains.

      I also have identical twins myself and sometimes they spook me out with knowing when the other has hurt himself.

    • Photo: Noel Brick

      Noel Brick answered on 15 Jun 2018:

      Lets try a “scientific” study on it!
      I will try to send you my answer through the power of my mind…
      Let me know what message you receive and I will let you know if it worked… 😉
